Sunday, January 2, 2011

OWN your shopping logic with this Simple Tip in 2011

We have all had the “ Need  vs. W” internal discussion with ourselves.  Sometimes we get pretty creative in brainstorming reasons we “need” something, am I right?  I think so.   That inner child of ours has tremendous strength and can hammer down the logical adult part of our brains.  With that being said, it is critically important to beware of our inner child when making positive shopping decisions in 2011.  Will our shopping decisions this year be choices that are aligned with our short and long term goals or will we let the little brat that resides in all of us, get his or her way?   Will our inner child put us on a path of needless spending and or debt?
If we choose to be fully present to ourselves, I believe we can make the best shopping choices ever in 2011.  What does that mean?  This simple tip takes a  minute or less and  It should be done consistently every time we are about to go shopping or online shopping.  Here it is, and why it is so important.
Text or write ourselves a list of what we “need” vs. what we “want” BEFORE we get online or out shopping.  
 Whether or not we are on a budget isn’t the issue.   In any case, it is important to really know WHY this buying decision is being made.  Example:  We may need that cute cocktail dress in Macy’s window  if we have worn the ones we own so many times our dry cleaner is shaking his head telling us, “Sorry, I did everything I could,  there is nothing more I can do for this garment”.   In this case, we could classify this dress purchase as a “need” if we have to look a certain way for business and our wardrobe is now failing us.  However, if we have several solid cocktail dresses in our closets but just have to own that cute new one in Macy’s window, then we need to OWN our logic and realize we are buying for fun.  Our  “ Needs” have nothing to do with it.  If we own our logic, we can feel good about occasional “Wants” shopping decisions because we don’t have to lie to ourselves about them.  When we start tricking ourselves as to the real reasons we make our purchases that is when consumers can get into trouble.
 This mind trickery, which we even trick ourselves out of calling  rationalization (am I right?,) is the top of a slippery slope, where it becomes easier and easier to lie to ourselves about why we are spending.  So duct tape the mouth of your inner shopping child, take a calm moment to write or type needs vs. wants.  Even if we have three kids bundled up ready to go to the mall, we can still buckle them in the car, put on their favorite video, and sit there in the driver seat still parked in the driveway, and text or write our list with an “N” or “W” next to each item.   This will help with clarity and being present to ourselves so we can  fully understand and stand behind our reasons for shopping decisions.   Even with the distractions of shopping with children or even the music the store plays, if we have a list with “W”s and “Ns”, it will be easier to ignore the inner child screaming, “I want this, I want that”.  With so many post-holiday sales, the clarity that will come from this simple tip, will keep us from falling into the pitfalls of overspending in a sea of real and virtual “great deals”.   Also, this tip empowers us to feel good about our “Want” decisions because we will understand and own them, eliminating the need to lie to ourselves.  Everyone practice this one tip with me in 2011 and we will have a great year with satisfying and intelligent choices for the long and short term.
Let me know how it works for you-Wowie

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